Mobile maintenance
The smartphone is the means of communication of today and it’s always with us – in the nightclub and on Monday morning in service and maintenance.
MOBILE | ASSIST is the app for the technician. Smart sensors report on existing work to a server during maintenance with Industry 4.0. From there, the technician receives this information as a ticket on his smartphone. The technician downloads the job inventory on his smartphone, works through the tickets, takes photos of the damage if necessary and uploads the data back to the server as soon as he is connected to the Internet again. He works on the ticket on a platform with a Workflow Screen or with Over-All-Formula.
A server with MACHINE | ASSIST is behind our mobile app which the dispatcher uses to direct the technician. Or we connect MOBILE | ASSIST to your existing system. MOBILE | ASSIST was developed with our APP SUITE | ASSIST framework.

The details
- Offline ticket processing with smartphone connection to the MACHINE | ASSIST server
- Online/offline comparison of replacement parts
- Guidance to the damaged area
- Identification of components by QR-Code or RFID
- Replacement and worn parts for each assembly
- Interfaces to SAP