International warranty platform for the kitchen industry

the customer
Warranty Solutions is an international platform that links the requirements of manufacturers of kitchen appliances with the services provided by specialist service technicians. Above all, the result is the more professional, quicker and more transparent handling of warranty cases.

the task
Modern professional and commercial kitchens are unthinkable without high-tech equipment. The manufacturer is liable for the handling of warranty cases and repairs. They generally use agents. This often involves high processing costs, telephone queries and unclear information from the service technicians. Manufacturers also get little or no information about the performance of their products.
This all changes with Warranty Solutions.

the solution
You look for a service partner on the platform, dispatch a service ticket to them, handle the entire service procedure via the platform and import all the ticket data along with replacement parts into your ERP system to create the invoice. Does your service partner not have the time? Then you pass on the service ticket to a different service partner who is informed by e-mail and SMS. Do you only have very few service tickets per month or are you looking for an additional service management system for your external service partners? No problem. Warranty Solutions works as software as a service with a fee depending on the degree of utilization. This means no tickets, no fee.
the details
- Manufacturer: Franke, Aligroup, Thermoplan and others, more than 100,000 tickets at present
- High data and security protection. Alternative in-house server
- Web-based system, high acceptance by service companies using Single Sign on and similar
- Use by all manufacturers
- Basis MACHINE | ASSIST, MOBILE | ASSIST as mobile offline APP
- Ability to serve customers in a chain
- Product data basis for each manufacturer: Documentation, series numbers, replacement parts
- Scalable: for large as well as the smallest manufacturer
Evaluation system, mail and SMS notifications, chat system between manufacturer/service partner, logging hourly rates for service partners - Service partner consultation when introduced

your contact
Matthias Janik
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) (diploma in Engineering), Project management,
Customer service
Tel. +49 89 89053-115
Mobile +49 171 350 34 88