Product Service System for the office furniture industry

the customer
Haworth is one of the biggest manufacturers of office furniture in Europe. Haworth supplies universities, editorial offices and consumer, clothing and car industry head offices with high-quality office furniture.

the task
Is it possible to order with your own SAP order number? Can the department and employee order authorizations be integrated? How does the manufacturer guarantee performance in the handling of follow-up orders and servicing cases? And are the products identified by QR codes? Mere promises are not enough now in the time of Industry 4.0. You win tenders if you can verify the digitalization of your own company and networking with customers.
the solution
Paradigma developed an order platform together with Haworth where major customers order all the agreed products from the entire portfolio of all products – with a close connection to its own and the customers’ ERP. Using a service app based on MOBILE | ASSIST, the Facility Manager or the ophthalmologist can scan the product, submit service tickets or order replacement parts. Depending on the type of customer, Haworth itself or the specialist trade is involved. In future, Haworth will follow each individual product all the way through: production – delivery – installation, warranty – service calls and thus is nearer than ever to the customer.
the details
- Consultation on building a Product Service System (PPS) Focusing on the service rather than product
- Analysis of product configuration, orders, follow-up orders, delivery chain, service processes
- Consulting for coordination with the car manufacturers
- Development of a modern Order Platform (OPL) for the particular challenges of the car industry with representations of work stations, working environments, room-in-room solutions, systems, products, accessories
- Development of a location-dependent order rights concept for car manufacturers
- Inclusion of car manufacturer-specific product portfolio in the Haworth product portfolio
- Conception of an overall order platform for Haworth

your contact
Matthias Janik
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) (diploma in Engineering), Project management,
Customer service
Tel. +49 89 89053-115
Mobile +49 171 350 34 88